Saturday, June 7, 2008

Krypt Walkin n2 my BLESSING!!

As I introduced in the previous blog. I am a very spiritual person, I will never so religious because I believe that it is more than just knowing bible verses, hymns, and scriptures but it is about relationship and conversation with a higher power, in my case Jesus Christ, anywho, I have just been going through a lot lately.

I mentioned before relocating and just dealing with a lot relationship wise and career wise. If I was to rank myself, I will give myself a 10 in balances my career and gettn my personal life on track but my relationship is a 5. I am so into we gon call'em Pradablessed but we continue to bump heads tremendously we have been knowing one another for like seven years and "dating" for like almost 3 off and on in September but STILL argue and disagree on the same things.

Now grant it, your ol'boy has not been a saint and has done some pretty shallow stuff in the past, but we have always worked things out and defined us moving forward as moving on but some how some way things always comes back up and becomes a problem as if it was never taken care of or dealt with, was it? So, you tell me . . . . . Can your partner completely blow it trust wise and you forgive them and move on? Do you forgive but don't forget and wait for the next time it happens? Do you put that individual on relationship probation and have them jump through hoops and trials to gain your trust back? or Do you walk? Does that person only have one chance to blow this "Trust" thing?

Its complicated because I know that we both love one another FORREAL, A LOT but when things are bad they are REALLY bad and then when they are good there REALLY good. I completely realize that Pradablessed is like a rare breed and realize that we are both so different that we are alike and that is where the attraction lies but I just don't feel as if since I (in owner of my short comings) I did what i did, things will ever be the same again without some reservations. I know what I'm going to do but I want to know where are you with complicated relationships and where do you place them.

Some of my trouble comes from my calm and sometimes nonchalant attitude from everything else that I am going through, I am like lets put this in perspective. My life is upside down personally right now and some other major lyfe type stuff is going on and now my relationship is trying to go in the same direction do I hoop and haller and argue about this or do I deal with life now and relationship later. So I choose to deal with life and then let my relationship do what it do and take it in strides . . . . . . . .not sure if thats the right approach but I refuse to stress about too many things at one time if I allowed it all to consume me I would go crazy ya'll . . . .I know really random but it is what it is.

So I sit around believing God that my relationship, my career and the decisions that I make will get it together . . . . . . . . nevertheless . . not bitter, not mad, cuz I know it all works out in the end . . . . . .Thats why I love'em like I do!!! (You 2) SMOOCHES!!!!

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